
Students who are seeking accommodations and services on the basis of a disability are required to submit documentation of their disability to 残疾支援服务 (DSS) as soon as possible. 只要学生在UNA连续注册,DSS接受的文件就有效. 然而, 如果学生的入学有中断, 可能需要更新的文档来接收服务.  


文件用于确定残疾人服务的资格, 以及指导住宿决策. 以确立残疾地位和获得残疾服务的资格, it is the student's responsibility to provide appropriate documentation of a diagnosed disability to the Office of 残疾支援服务 (DSS) and to formally request a letter of accommodation from DSS personnel. 只要学生在UNA连续注册,DSS接受的文件就有效. 然而, 如果学生的入学有中断, 可能需要更新的文档来接收服务.  

下面是一般文档指南的列表. 请注意,每个残疾都有 额外的 文档的指导方针. 请浏览“文档的指导方针"在左手边的标签上写上与你相关的内容.


  1. Be typed and printed on official letterhead and be signed by an evaluator qualified to make the diagnosis (include information about license or certification and area of specialization).
  • 请注意: 高中IEP或504计划不足以证明残疾.
  1. Clearly state the diagnosis or DSM-5 diagnostic code of the disability or disabilities and attest to the presence of a disabling condition as defined by the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990年)/《K8彩乐园》, 2008).
  • 请注意: Students requesting accommodations for the manifestations of multiple disabilities must provide documentation of all such conditions.
  1. Provide a description of the functional limitations resulting from the disabilities as related to an academic setting.
  2. Adequately verify the nature and extent of the disability in accordance with current professional standards and techniques,
  3. 当前(一般), 学习障碍在过去5年内完成,心理障碍在过去1年内完成。.
  4. 包括完整的教育, 发展, 以及与所要求的残疾相关的病史.
  5. 提供所有测试仪器的清单(可靠), 有效的, and standardized for use with an adult population) used in the evaluation report and relevant subtest scores used to document the stated disability.
  • 请注意: 这不应该包括由学生家庭成员进行的诊断或测试. 
  1. 提供目前正在使用的所有药物及其当前影响和/或治疗方法的清单.
  2. 您的医疗服务提供者或医生推荐的学术住宿清单. 住宿历史也可以提交给办公室.

**每种残疾都有额外的文件要求, 因此,请访问“文档的指导方针"在左手边的标签上写上与你相关的内容.**


  • 如果文件不完整或不充分, 并且无法确定残疾的程度或提供合理的便利, 联阿联有权酌情要求提供额外文件.
  • 住宿历史本身并不能作为在联合国提供类似住宿的理由.
  • 药物不能用来暗示诊断.
  • 服务资格的最终决定取决于K8彩乐园.




The following guidelines are provided to guide students as they seek to document a disability under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990年)/《K8彩乐园》, 2008).


  • A diagnostic statement based on the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and/or International Classification of Diseases (ICD) should be included, 除非评估员因学校制度规定不能这样做.
  • 评估人员应证明评估结果如何符合诊断标准.
  • The progression of the condition should be detailed if its impact on the student’s functioning is expected to change over time.
  • 因为诊断方法因疾病而异, 满足这一要求的进一步指导可以在具体的指导方针中找到.


  • 应该描述一项主要生命活动的实质性限制.
  • Quantitative and qualitative information should be used to demonstrate that the difficulties are substantially limiting when compared to most people in the general population.
  • Evidence that the difficulties are substantially limiting to the student in the academic environment should be presented.
  • 因为实质性的限制可能因障碍而异, 满足这一要求的进一步指导可以在具体的指导方针中找到.
  • 在某些情况下, documentation of a current substantial limitation in the educational domain may be difficult to produce due to the use of effective accommodations and interventions. 在这种情况下, the documentation of the substantial limitation should include a description of the substantially limited abilities and skills, 为解决这些限制而采取的措施和干预措施, 每种方法的有效性程度, 以及持续需求的理由.


Evaluations should be recent or still be able to accurately describe student’s functional limitations; commonly this is completed within the last 3-5 years for learning disabilities or 1 year for psychological disabilities. 然而, 专业判断将用于确定所提供的任何文件的可接受性.


学生将参与与DSS工作人员确定住宿的互动过程. 学生将在入学预约期间与DSS工作人员会面, 学生将在哪里有机会交流他们的诊断, 住宿历史, 优势和劣势, 学习方式和策略, 残疾带来的障碍以及学生认为需要分享的任何其他信息. 学生将在会议期间要求住宿. 学生还将被要求填写影响陈述, 让学生有机会陈述他们的残疾是如何影响他们的. The student will have the opportunity to request 额外的 or revised accommodation throughout their time at UNA by submitting an Accommodation Review form or meeting with DSS staff to complete this form.


The Office of 残疾支援服务 (DSS) is required to offer accommodations to students based on his/her disability. 请参阅下面的住宿列表. 学生必须申请每学期所需的合理住宿. 可以通过学生和决策支持处工作人员之间的互动过程提出请求. 另外, any accommodation recommendations made must be supported by a rationale that explains the necessity based on the student’s measured impairments and current substantial limitations. Documentation of accommodations approved in the past is encouraged but does not guarantee approval at the postsecondary level.

有残疾记录的学生,其文件不符合联合国指导方针, 可能有资格获得一段时间(通常是一个学期)的临时住宿。. Provisional accommodations provide a reasonable amount of time for the student to gather the required information and documentation.


To discuss classroom accommodations please make an appointment with a DSS staff members by contacting the office at 256-765-4214 or dss@159666789.com.


DSS and the Office of International Affairs (OIA) are here to assist the students before and during study abroad programs. DSS and the OIA are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for any program without fundamentally altering any component of the education abroad program and student experience. It is important that the student communicates his/her needs early and consider alternative ways to meet these needs so both offices on campus can assist in providing information about possible accommodations and its approximate cost.

残疾学生可以并且确实参加了UNA的所有海外教育项目. 就像文化不同一样,国外的残疾人住宿和认知也不同. 对于任何海外教育参与者来说,关键是灵活性和提前完成研究的需要. 我们鼓励所有学生交流他们的需求,并考虑其他方式来满足他们. 无论这是永久的还是暂时的残疾, 学生有责任确保学生支援处了解他/她的残疾, 他/她向决策支持部门提供适当的文件. 请浏览 残疾证明文件 如果学生还没有注册DSS,请参阅有关文件和如何注册DSS的指导方针.

请浏览联合国网页 海外残疾学生 网页提供更多资料.



请浏览联合国网页 特别住宿 网页提供更多资料.


Students seeking interpreters and/or captioning assistance must make an appointment with DSS to discuss the type of accommodation(s) the student has used previously such as interpreter, 调频系统, C-Print字幕, 等. 要安排预约,请联系DSS办公室,电话:256-765-4214,或dss@159666789.com.


如果学生是DSS的新学生,必须提供文件来支持这种住宿. 应与发展支助司安排一次会议,讨论这一进程. 如果学生提供了支持记笔记的文件, the student is responsible for notifying DSS each semester of which class or classes he/she needs a note taker for. DSS将向教授提供必要的信息.


Please make an Intake appointment with a DSS staff member to discuss testing accommodations at 256-765-4214 or dss@159666789.com.